Friday, 17 February 2012

Why Women Experience Hair Loss

Every year, hundreds of thousands of women — and some men — suffer from unexpected hair loss. Here the experts reveal the causes, and what you can do about the problem.


The most common cause of female hair loss, especially in premenopausal women, is polycystic ovarian syndrome, leading to excessive amounts of testosterone.

This can trigger excessive body hair — but hair loss on the head.

Hair loss occurs as a receding hairline around the side of the head and temples, similar to men as they age. Other symptoms include acne, weight gain and depression. Contraceptive pills designed to lower the level of testosterone can be helpful.


Pityriasis amiantacea — basically adult cradle cap — can cause hair loss. It’s linked to eczema, and may be confused with psoriasis.

Like psoriasis, patches of scaly crusts form in a similar way to overlapping tiles on a roof. The scales stick to the scalp and are attached in layers around the shafts of the hairs, binding them down in tufts.

This effectively strangles the hair shaft, causing loss. But with medical treatment, the plaques of scaling can be removed so the hair can regrow.


There is evidence that crash dieting, particularly a low-carb diet, can cause hair loss. Here, a lack of energy — i.e. calories and glucose — could be the problem.

You can eat as much protein and iron as you like, but without any energy, your hair will suffer. That’s because if the brain or other vital organs are desperate for energy, it will often be taken from non-essential sources, such as the hair and nails.


An overactive or underactive thyroid can cause hair thinning. It’s particularly common where there is a family history of the disease or in women who have just given birth.

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