Hair loss or hairloss or alopecia, however you want to spell it, is a concern to many of us, and a huge embarrassment to many sufferers. And don’t think that females get away easily. Hair loss can occur in both males and females and it is not restricted to older people either, as some unfortunate teenagers of either sex do lose their hair.
This is especially hard on teenagers, whose self-esteem is often very fragile in the teen years. It can have devastating effects on one’s life. This is why, should you notice an unusual number of hairs in the shower after you have washed your hair, you should investigate, see if this happens daily, and then see your medical professional about the problem.
There are some medical conditions which lead to hair loss. For example, an under-active thyroid can have a symptom of hair loss, but the best person to help you test for this is your medical professional, of course. See them as soon as you discover a problem with hair loss, and they may be able to find the cause, and put it right. Thyroid problems can generally be dealt with through medication on a daily basis, so the sooner you ask for help, the better, and the sooner you could clear up your hair loss problem.
Unfortunately, not everyone takes hair loss seriously. Because there is (usually) no pain involved with hair loss, it doesn’t seem as serious as many conditions, but it can affect the mental health of the person suffering from this, and can even send them into depression. In many ways it is easier for men to deal with the hair loss problem than women, but then again, it is perhaps more socially accepted for women to wear wigs, than for men.
There are hair loss prevention products out there that state they can help with hair regrowth. Depending on the amount of hair loss and the reason for it, you may have to go for medical hair replacement where skin and hair is removed from another part of the body and attached to the head. This is not for everyone! Hair transplants where the hair follicles are moved is a time- and money-consuming option, so hair loss prevention is best if you have a hair loss condition that can be treated this way. Your treatment for hair loss may also depend greatly on the state of your finances, as some procedures can be costly.
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